Ever have an Art block, An Urge for Inspiration, or One of those days where everything you draw isn't satisfying you? Well I got something for you, called ffffound, a site I stumbled upon looking for my inspiration for projects and sketches.
Warning: Its a little NSFW once in a while.
This site is like a gold mine for the artsy fartsy. A gathering spot for all those pretty pictures that you save on the net. It's geared for all those illustrators, graphic designers, Product cover lovers (now say that 5 times fast), those photographer, Typographers and the people who love their art in 3D.
For the illustrators and Graphic Designers...
I've found so many artists on here and so much different styles that eventually when I'm in a rut, I come running here. Some of the art has got me by my hair trying things I've never done. My style has even evolved from this. I even got help with layout ideas for flyer's and magazine layouts.
Macro, Panoramas, glamour, Avaunt Guard shots.. there's so much to look at and admire their skills. I, my self enjoy the fashion shots that go beyond the magazines an give an aura of eerily haunting and beautiful at the same time.
The picture beside is my current inspiration, pale colours with a touch of bright colours with a dark background. So many possibilities can be done with this and I cant wait to try my new pencil crayons.
For those who know their cameras and terms well, what do you call that soft filter tat gives that vintage feel to photos?
Okay I admit it I'm a huuuuuuuuuuuuge packaging dork.
I love it when Items have good packaging. It sells the item so much more then if it was in a terrible design. This site happens to be packages lover's lover. You get to see stuff that may never be produced for mass sale or small custom created stuff for ad firms and portfolios.
Do you know any remarkable or nice branding and packing?
For me its moleskine and Apple, Both have very recognizable packaging, its a simple design that if you where ten feet away you recognize it immediately. The product it self has its flaws i.e Waaaaay expensive but a lot of us are sold on it simply because its nice looking and designed to impress.
I don't know about you guys but i think letters are an art it self, it affects the overall design if its all wrong. Comic sans is probably the butt of all typography hatred because its silly looking and almost as useless as Wingdings(that font with nothing but pictures as letters that no one can read). You wouldn't put that on a wedding invite would you? My favorite font has to be helvetica it simple enough and readable from a far distance.
I cant go on forever on how this site. Its helped me and i hope it helps you if not just view the art and enjoy.
really like the packaging