Saturday, October 8, 2011

Critique, please!

Hi everyone! Not so sure if anyone noticed but our poster was missing from last week's class. Though it was unfortunately late, Princess, Nina, Nicholas, and I (Amanda) wanted to post this up for you guys to view and critique. We chose to advertise a latte art workshop with Dark Horse Espresso Bar. In keeping with a their dark colour palette but warm and inviting feel, we went with a simplistic and easy to follow look. We chose to create the latte art in the form of a horse to tie in with their name and even added detail to the end of the word "Worshop" to further emphasize the latte art notion.

If you guys could give us some feedback that would be great. We didn't want to miss out on the critiquing part!

- Princess, Nina, Nicholas, and Amanda


  1. I like the way you incorporated the horse into the latte =DD that's the first thing I noticed~
    I also think that the text at the bottom is a bit too small, I would enlarge it just a bit. The "title" is starting to blend into shadow, and I think it shouldn't be as close to it? I really like the shadow around the edge though.
    -thanks for posting it up for us to see =D

  2. I agree, the text at the bottom is too small, and the font should be reconsidered. very cute how the above text is worked so it looks like latte art itself, but perhaps change the colour so it looks more milky/foamy so the point gets across clearer. When I first looked at the poster, I was looking for the dark horse logo and finally found it cleverly placed on the cup. but it was actually kind of hard to find. Maybe placing it on the saucer would have been easier to spot? but it looks great and its a big jump from last week. It's very simple and direct which gives the viewer information without any guesses.

  3. I love how you guys used a dark gradient around the border to bring the viewers attention to the center image! It makes the image look really stylized and almost 3D. The logo also looks very elegant and I think suits the entire image nicely. The logo is also cleverly placed which I love (I feel like I'm saying love too much, sorry. ): I am actually really fascinated with the poster.)

    The only criticism I honestly have is like the people above me have said, make the text at the bottom slightly larger or brighter.

  4. Love this transformation from the last posters! The fact that you created the horse logo within the foam is just brilliant :)



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